life illuminate
Bob Grove

Submerge your old wineskin!

By Bob Grove
Are you experiencing a difficult time in your life right now? Is your job, family, finances, church (or lack thereof), friends, or your walk with God (again, lack thereof) under fire?

I want to share with you something really amazing that I believe will help you greatly (probably within 10 minutes of doing these two things).

Before I go any further, I need to use a couple verses to act as my foundation. Then, I can build on that to reveal some really interesting things.

Matthew 9:17
Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.

Mark 2:22
And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, he pours new wine into new wineskins.

I don’t know if any of you have seen the kind of wineskins they use in the Middle East, but they are quite large and ugly! Ever seen the Princess Bride? Remember the large rodent of unusual size in the forest? Picture that – but dead. Yeah, pretty disgusting when you consider that they would drink the stuff coming out of it.

Now picture the same thing all dried up! When wineskins were not being used, they would toss them outside usually by the side of their houses (or tents). As the wineskin would sit outside in the weather, the sun beating down on it, it would dry up and would become hard. The material or outer shell of a good wineskin would be flexible, but if it sat outside in the hot sun and not being used, then it would dry up and get really hard.

The problem starts when they want to use this wineskin again. If they pour new wine in the wineskin, the new wine would start to ferment. And if the wineskin is dry and hard, then it won’t expand – it would only crack – thus damaging the wineskin and causing the new wine to pour out of it. Ruining both.

As some of you know, I like picking words out and looking up the original Hebrew & Greek meanings to the English words in our Bible. In this case, it was the Greek translation of the word “New” that was interesting.

When we look at the phrase “New Wine” – the Greek word actually means something that is “Brand New” (neos) – however when we look at the Greek word for “New Wineskin”, it is referring to something that has been renewed (kainos).

So how do you take an old wineskin and renew it? Simple…really it is. They would take the old dried up wineskin and submerge it under water for a while. They would bring the wineskin out of the water and they would start to rub olive oil on the wineskin. They would repeat this process until the wineskin was soft and flexible. This was their way of making a “new” or “renewed” wineskin.

So how can this help you where you are right now? When I’m battling issues in my life, whether it be in my job, finances, my family, or even my walk with God – I find that there seems to be one common factor in all of these things. A lack of “joy” in my life.

I’ll be honest, there are times when I go to church during worship time and I do not feel anything. I know that I should be feeling joy and happiness, but I don’t. It’s like the joy comes in and then goes right back out. I don’t retain it. I can’t retain it. And I leave church feeling just as worse or sometimes just plain worse than how I felt when I got there. It has nothing to do with the church, the preacher, the worship leader, the songs being sung, the atmosphere. It’s about my spiritual body being dried up and not used.

Let’s just say for example that our spiritual bodies are like the wineskin. If we are not using our spiritual lives, then we are like the unused wineskin. And over time we allow all of life’s troubles to beat down on us and dry up everything that was once joy.

The problem is, we go to church expecting the church to fix the problem. When sometimes, it simply can’t be done. It’s something that you alone have to do yourself.

So what’s the process? Simple….really it is.

Submerge yourself into the Word of God (Water). Refresh yourself. Just open up the Bible and start reading. You don’t have to find the perfect verse to read. Just begin to read.

The next thing to do is the oil. Now, don’t physically start rubbing oil all over your body (especially in public as this causes unnecessary embarrassment both for you and the viewer) instead use something that is commonly referred to as oil in the Bible – the Holy Spirit. You receive the Holy Spirit by how? Praying! Just start praying. You don’t have to come up with the perfect words to say. Just start asking God to allow the Spirit to move in you and to make you flexible and soft again. So that when joy does enter into you – you will be able to capture it and retain it.

Sometimes I have to do this several times during the day. If you only do it once, it won’t last forever because your physical and spiritual bodies are constantly under fire. Submerge in the Word of God and cover yourself in Prayer. It works – try it!

9 comments so far.

  1. Anonymous March 16, 2013 at 9:26 PM
    “New Wineskin”, it is referring to something that has been renewed (kainos).

    not true
    new = new New 3501 New 2537
    renew = renew G340 renew G341 renew G342 renew G365 renew
    New means new Renew means renew

    New 2537
    1) new
    a) as respects form
    1) recently made, fresh, recent, unused, unworn
    b) as respects substance
    1) of a new kind, unprecedented, novel, uncommon, unheard of

  2. Pete from Prescott September 22, 2015 at 7:44 AM
    2Cor5:17 "If any man be in Christ he is a new (kainos-same word as 'new wine skin') creature." Obviously this word kainos works for both scriptures where "old things" may "pass away" and "all things" may "become new.
    Therfore it is possible to be freshened by the Lord from the "dry bones" of an unattended walk with God. Hence the term "new wine skins" can most definitely be applied to old saints who allow themselves to be refreshed.
  3. Unknown April 4, 2016 at 11:01 AM
    I really enjoy the article it was very well said and I know in the world we are leaving that everybody has an opinion even if its to contradict somebody, I got the message very good teaching but we leave in a western culture were the church has left the Holy Spirit outside the church and they have use grace as sinned license and nobody wants to run the race like we will endure to obtain the prize like the Apostle Paul tell us in I Cor 9:24 and Romans 6:16. Thank you again for what you are doing and keep writing.

    Hector Rivera
  4. Unknown June 17, 2016 at 11:46 PM
    I have a lot of trouble with this! Honestly, I do not see Yeshua instructing anyone to "renew" anything. I know it's convenient to use "renew", but the Greek word for renew is a different word altogether. Sorry but I think you have this wrong.
  5. Amanda August 3, 2016 at 7:44 AM
    I researched the greek words used for the word "new" as used in Mark 2:22 and he did reference the word correctly. It says new wine "neos oinos" must be put into new wineskins "kainos askos". Kainos as in "recently made, fresh".
  6. Unknown January 7, 2018 at 7:02 AM
    I like the article but I have to say Ron looks to be right with Kainos meaning new not renew!!!! But the good new is if we get in the water of the Word and soak under Gods oil of anointing God makes us new so he can pour in new wine!!!!
  7. Unknown January 12, 2018 at 9:08 AM
    man is a three part being, he is a spirit, he has a soul and he lives in a body. we are brand new creations through the new birth, we are a brand new spirit with God's DNA,however, we still have a mind a will and emotions that need transformation by RENEWING! in this context i believe the teaching to be sound.
  8. Anonymous June 23, 2022 at 11:21 PM
    Stop using Strong’s to find meanings to Hebrew and Greek words. It is not a dictionary that takes into account context.
  9. Anonymous September 10, 2022 at 6:55 AM
    Good word our pastor preached on this concept it is a word from Abba don't miss it destiny because u refuse the process for the promise Selah

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